Office Dulęby 5

Dulęby 5, Katowice, Obroki

4.3/5 (4 ratings)

Dulęby 5, Dulęby 5, Katowice, Obroki

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About Dulęby 5 office

The DULĘBY 5 Office Center is an eight-story office building located in the northwestern part of Katowice between the Drogowa Trasa Średnicowa (Intercity Road) and the A4 highway at the Witosa housing estate. The building is perfectly connected with the center of Katowice and neighboring cities. In the offer of renting offices in the Center we have very well planned and functional office spaces from 11m2 to 1000m2 with communication, sanitary facilities and kitchenettes on each floor. In the building, it is possible to separate all or part of a floor. On the first floor of the building there is a 24-hour reception desk with a surveillance and monitoring station. The facility also has an elevator.

Dulęby 5 office lease offer

Rent space100
Rent28 PLN/
Service charge13 PLN/m2

Dulęby 5 property info

Total office space2,536 m2
Typical floor space334 m2

These property particulars are only of information character and do not constitute offer to conclude any agreement within the meaning of provisions of Polish Civil Code (Journal of Laws from 1964, no. 16, item 93 as amended).

Dulęby 5 location

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We usually answer in 4 hours. We do not send spam.

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Why get in touch with our consultants?
Katarzyna Stalmach
Jakub Sarzyński
Adriana Binkiewicz
Filip Kościkiewicz
  • we make sure the process goes quick and smooth
  • we know the market inside out
  • we will guide through lease negotiations
  • we will schedule all viewings and meetings for you
  • fit-out, construction costs and all technical details - yes, we know about that, too
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